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Community- The Youth Collective and VartaLeap Ecosystem along with Badlav have come up with preventive wellbeing-based interventions focused on young people and youth workers as their coping strategy to Covid-19 pandemic stress and fatigue. Q-Ki is a reality check game show played by intergenerational teams who compete through interactive quizzes, pluton (Plural Story) performance and imaginative practices that aim to foreground the need for building collective societal wellbeing during COVID-19 through its amplification and outreach strategies. In addition, it also creates well-being for the participants who experience co-creation, empathy and connections.
Community- The Youth Collective and VartaLeap Ecosystem along with Badlav have come up with preventive wellbeing-based interventions focused on young people and youth workers as their coping strategy to Covid-19 pandemic stress and fatigue. Q-Ki is a reality check game show played by intergenerational teams who compete through interactive quizzes, pluton (Plural Story) performance and imaginative practices that aim to foreground the need for building collective societal wellbeing during COVID-19 through its amplification and outreach strategies. In addition, it also creates well-being for the participants who experience co-creation, empathy and connections.
To help covid patients recover fast tele psychological counseling was provided by a qualified psychological counselor of Badlav team. Those undergoing depression and anxiety were also covered under this. Dedicated helpline numbers were floated in various groups and social media platforms. Multiple sessions were also conducted in extreme cases.