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Begging on streets is a symptom of social and personal disorganization. It reminds us of an ill organized society in which the prevalence of various political, socio-economic and psychological factors have pushed a person to choose beggary as a means to ensure their survival. Begging is one of the most endemic multifaceted social problems with great magnitude, but is less understood in all terms. Increasing poverty and ever widening social gap has made begging a mainstay for a large section of the population. The larger the chunk of population involved in begging the heavier the burden on the working population and lesser the usage of human resources for constructive human development. Such a multi-layered problem in society requires layered treatment so as to reduce the evil of begging in society. Thus, Bhikshavratti Mukti Abhiyan aims at providing interventions for the multifaceted problem of begging by targeting multiple facets of an individual’s life who is engaged in begging. The major areas of target will be social, psychological and economical as all of these areas require interventions to effectively rebuild an identity, which got suppressed when the individual engaged in begging. The intervention plan for various facets will be:
The objective of this project is to rehabilitate begging children by bringing them back into the mainstream through education. The goal of this initiative is not only to provide education to the children associated with begging, but also to develop multifaceted development by nurturing the hidden talents within the children. For this, the initiative provides all the basic facilities of rehabilitation to such children and three types of activities involve children to hone their talents.
This initiative is the greater objective of creating a responsive ecosystem by empowering members, communities and duty bearers for creating safe and resilient societies through a youth- centric approach. Initiative mainly focuses on building capacity to youth with the concept of ‘self to society’. It enables them to develop an understanding towards various pressing issues in society and aim to find solutions for the same. The objective of this initiative is to make the youth population aware of Sustainable Development Goals and the fundamental rights & duties in the Indian Constitution. Which bridges the gap between the textbook and reality? It also encouraged the youth to raise their voices to bring a positive change in the society, by engaging itself and engaging in productive activities at the grassroots level with the larger community. The second goal was to strengthen awareness, access of communities and accountability of duty bearers on gender- based violence, sexuality education, health services and education among other ICPD priority issues by building an ecosystem of young people and through collective action, through a process that capacitates grass root organizations to enhance their engagement of young people.