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The inspiration behind Badlav dates back to 2003, when Sharad Patel came to Lucknow from his village to pursue higher studies. He saw beggars outside the railway station begging for food and money. This sight was something new to him as in his village no one did begging. They were also consuming intoxicants openly. This made him realize that these helpless and misguided people including children were pushed into a vicious cycle of using harmful intoxicants from the money they received from begging. He was shocked to see a good number of people begging in different parts of the city. He was worried and curious about their situation. Another thing that caught his attention was the virtue of sharing, equality and kindness with which langar was served in gurudwaras. In temples he saw just the opposite where food was served outside to the homeless, beggars, disables etc just for the sake of giving. The image of people getting food without any respect and their helpless state started haunting him. Sharad recalls an incident in 2013, when a beggar approached him for ten rupees but instead of giving him money, he took him to a nearby hotel and gave him food to eat. The way he was begging was heart wrenching. His distressed face, torn clothes, dirty appearance and hoarse voice left a disturbing image on Sharad’s mind. It suddenly struck him that buying one meal would only solve the problem for the time being. It would be wonderful if he is taught the skill of growing paddy or wheat. This way he would become self-reliant. The idea was to make beggars skillful and involve them in some gainful employment for a dignified living. This is how the inspiration behind Badlav took shape and “Bhikshavratti Mukti Abhiyan” got initiated on 2nd October 2014. Thus, Sharad Patel along with classmates Jai Deep kumar Rawat and Mahendra Pratap started the movement to eliminate beggary. Since its inception, Badlav has given momentum to the campaign and has been transforming the lives of hundreds.